85 research outputs found

    Architectural project of an exhibition center in the Cevallos canton, province of Tungurahua in the year 2021

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    Los equipamientos urbanos, surgen como espacios de desarrollo económico y social que permiten consolidar las actividades de un territorio y satisfacer las necesidades de la población, asegurando su calidad de vida. En el caso del cantón Cevallos, es una localidad que acoge al turismo gracias a su potencial artesanal que recoge la actividad productiva de mayor crecimiento del lugar, sin embargo, se evidencia la inexistencia de espacios de formación, reunión y difusión artesanal, por otra parte, el equipamiento existente es inadecuado para el desarrollo de actividades manufactureras, culturales y turísticas, en este sentido, el objetivo de esta investigación se centra en proyectar un centro de exposiciones que garantice el desarrollo y promoción de dichas actividades, a través de áreas de exposición, talleres, zonas recreativas, y espacios culturales. Para lograr obtener una propuesta que se adapte al contexto, la metodología aplicada es mixta, puesto que, a través de un cuestionario estructurado se recogen las necesidades espaciales de la población artesanal, por otro lado, a través una ficha de observación se logra comprender el estado actual del espacio utilizado como sitio de venta de artículos artesanales. Los resultados obtenidos, sugieren que, en efecto, se necesita un equipamiento que permita articular la manufactura, el turismo y la cultura, proponiendo un espacio que las relacione y funcione en conjunto

    Towards the internet of agents: an analysis of the internet of things from the intelligence and autonomy perspective

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    Recently, the scientific community has demonstrated a special interest in the process related to the integration of the agent-oriented technology with Internet of Things (IoT) platforms. Then, it arises a novel approach named Internet of Agents (IoA) as an alternative to add an intelligence and autonomy component for IoT devices and networks. This paper presents an analysis of the main benefits derived from the use of the IoA approach, based on a practical point of view regarding the necessities that humans demand in their daily life and work, which can be solved by IoT networks modeled as IoA infrastructures. It has been presented 24 study cases of the IoA approach at different domains ––smart industry, smart city and smart health wellbeing–– in order to define the scope of these proposals in terms of intelligence and autonomy in contrast to their corresponding generic IoT applications.En los últimos años, la comunidad científica ha mostrado un interés especial en torno al proceso de integración de la tecnología orientada a agentes sobre plataformas de Internet de las Cosas (IoT, por sus siglas en inglés). Surge así, un nuevo enfoque denominado Internet de los Agentes (IoA, por sus siglas en inglés) como una alternativa para añadir un componente de inteligencia y autonomía sobre los dispositivos y redes de IoT. El presente trabajo muestra un análisis de los principales beneficios derivados del uso del enfoque del IoA, visto desde las actuales necesidades que el ser humano demanda en su trabajo y vida cotidiana, las cuales pueden ser resueltas por redes de IoT modeladas como infraestructuras de IoA. Se plantea un total de 24 casos prácticos de aplicaciones de IoA en diferentes dominios ––industria, ciudad, y salud y bienestar inteligente–– a fin de determinar el alcance de dichas aplicaciones en términos de inteligencia y autonomía respecto a sus correspondientes aplicaciones genéricas de IoT.This study was founded by the Ecuadorian Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (SENESCYT)

    Revisión bibliográfica de sistemas de control para gestión de micro-redes de energía

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    El presente artículo presenta una revisión de la literatura la cual está enfocada en determinar el grado de importancia que tienen los sistemas de control para la gestión energética en micro-redes. Se describen las principales razones por las que se lleva a cabo el proceso de migración de plantas de uso de combustible fósil hacia plantas industriales de energía renovables, enfatizando en algunos tipos de energía renovable existentes.  Adicionalmente, se resumen las técnicas de control existentes, entre las que figuran el control óptimo y jerárquico, para las micro-redes. Asimismo, se esbozan las principales tecnologías utilizadas en la actualidad para la implementación de sistemas  de control predictivo basado en modelos (MPC, siglas en inglés) y el control económico predictivo basado en modelos (EMPC siglas en inglés). En este último, se realiza un análisis en términos económicos en función del coste

    Kinematical and dynamical modelling of a multipurpose upper limbs rehabilitation robot

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    Knowing accurate model of a system is always beneficial to design a robust and safe control while allowing reduction of sensors-related cost as the system outputs are predictable using the model. In this context, this paper addresses the kinematical and dynamical model identification of the multipurpose rehabilitation robot, Universal Haptic Pantograph (UHP), and present experimental validations of the identified models. The UHP is a Pantograph based innovative robot actuated by two SEAs (Series Elastic Actuator), aiming at training impaired upper limbs after a stroke. This novel robot, thanks to its lockable/unlockable joints, can change its mechanical structure so that it enables stroke patient to perform different training exercises of the shoulder, elbow and wrist. This work focuses on the ARM mode, which is a training mode used to rehabilitate elbow and shoulder. The kinematical model of UHP is identified based on the loop vector equations, while the dynamical model is derived based on the Lagrangian formulation. To demonstrate the accuracy of the models, several experimental tests were performed. The results reveal that the mean position error between estimated values with the model and actual measured values stays in 3 mm (less than 2% of the maximum motion range). Moreover, the error between estimated and measured interaction force is smaller than 10% of maximum force range. So, the developed models can be adopted to estimate motion and force of UHP as well as control it without the need of additional sensors such as a force sensor, resulting in the reduction of total robot cost.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Governments (GV/EJ) under grant PRE-2014-1-152, UPV/EHU’s PPG17/56 project, Basque Country Governments IT914-16 project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness’ MINECO & FEDER inside DPI2012-32882 projects, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness BES-2013-066142 grant, Euskampus, FIK

    Panama Papers' offshoring network behavior

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    The present study analyzes the offshoring network constructed from the information contained in the Panama Papers, characterizing worldwide regions and countries as well as their intra-and inter-relationships. The Panama Papers 2016 divulgence is the largest leak of offshoring and tax avoidance documentation. The document leak, with a volume content of approximately 2.6 terabytes, involves more than two hundred thousand enterprises in more than two hundred countries. From this information, the offshore connections of individuals and companies are constructed and aggregated using their countries of origin. The top offshore financial regions and countries of the network are identified, and their intra-and inter-relationship are mapped and described. We are able to identify the top countries in the offshoring network and characterize their connectivity structure, discovering the more prominent actors in the worldwide offshoring scenario and their range of influence.This work was funded by UDLA-SIS.MGR.20.0


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    Este trabajo aborda el origen y evolución de odontología forense, así como su aplicabilidad en la investigación criminal. Se revisa las diferentes técnicas estomatológicas empleadas para facilitar la resolución de múltiples casos, en donde la identificación odontológica tiene un valor legal indiscutible como procedimiento forense. Los procedimientos empleados en la odontología forense permiten el levantamiento de huellas mediante la aplicación de técnicas  como la queiloscopia, Huellas de mordida, registro de rugas palatinas, trauma dentoalveolar, bioquímica dental, métodos de estimación cronológica de la edad del paciente, marcaje de prótesis totales, métodos de determinación de sexo y cultura. En el ámbito legal se revisa la normativa sobre toma de muestras corporales donde se encuentra vacíos e incongruencias; por lo que se propone reformas legislativas referentes a este tema.Presentando así una recopilación de información tanto para el odontólogo como para el abogado sobre terminología, procedimientos y legislación relacionados a la odontología forense

    Inclusive and seamless control framework for safe robot-mediated therapy for upper limbs rehabilitation

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    Robot-based rehabilitation requires not only the use of a suitable robot, but also an optimal strategy to guarantee that the interaction forces with the patient fit his or her impairment level. In this work, an inclusive and seamless control framework for upper limb rehabilitation robots is presented and validated. The proposed control framework involves 1) a complete set of training modes (assistive, corrective and resistive) that can be adapted to the needs of the different states of the patient’s recovery, and 2) three different advanced controllers (position, force, impedance) to track safely the force and motion references defined by the aforementioned training modes. In addition, the proposed framework allows one to tune the parameters critical to the safety of the user, such as the maximum interaction forces or the maximum speed of the robot movement. In order to validate the proposed control framework, a set of experiments have been carried out in the Universal Haptic Pantograph (UHP) upperlimb rehabilitation robot. Results show that the proposed control framework for robot-mediated therapy works properly in terms of adaptability, robustness, and safety, which are crucial factors for use with patients.This work was supported in part by the Basque Country Governments (GV/EJ) under grant PRE-2014-1-152, UPV/EHU’s PPG17/56 project, Basque Country Governments IT914-16 project, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness’ MINECO & FEDER inside DPI2017- 82694-R project, Euskampus, FIK and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation PDI-020100-2009-21 project

    Virtual Sensor for Kinematic Estimation of Flexible Links in Parallel Robots

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    The control of flexible link parallel manipulators is still an open area of research, endpoint trajectory tracking being one of the main challenges in this type of robot. The flexibility and deformations of the limbs make the estimation of the Tool Centre Point (TCP) position a challenging one. Authors have proposed different approaches to estimate this deformation and deduce the location of the TCP. However, most of these approaches require expensive measurement systems or the use of high computational cost integration methods. This work presents a novel approach based on a virtual sensor which can not only precisely estimate the deformation of the flexible links in control applications (less than 2% error), but also its derivatives (less than 6% error in velocity and 13% error in acceleration) according to simulation results. The validity of the proposed Virtual Sensor is tested in a Delta Robot, where the position of the TCP is estimated based on the Virtual Sensor measurements with less than a 0.03% of error in comparison with the flexible approach developed in ADAMS Multibody Software.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness under grant BES-2013-066142, UPV/EHU's PPG17/56 projects, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness' MINECO & FEDER inside DPI-2012-32882 project and the Basque Country Government's (GV/EJ) under PRE-2014-1-152 and BFI-2012-223 grants and under recognized research group IT914-16

    Testimony of the victim and presumption of innocence a look from the Spanish legal system

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    Introduction. The probative importance of the testimony has undergone an evolution from the mathematical calculation of evidence to the current evaluation rules that require reasoned motivation. The unique testimony of the victim in sexual crimes presents unique problems that will be analyzed. Objective: the analysis of the testimonial evidence and its procedural guarantees is sought, proposing changes applying the gender perspective. Methodology. The methodology used is based on a study of the subject from various perspectives such as historical-logical, deductive, descriptive, analytical, critical and propositional. Results. The jurisprudential doctrine has been incorporating certain parameters to analyze both the subject of the statement and its object, from the perspective of its subjective credibility, its objective credibility and the persistence of the incrimination. As well as the requirement of a minimum probative activity and the development of probative sufficiency standards, which establish limits or impose parameters to determine its validity. Conclusion. The parameters and evidentiary standards have helped to minimize the errors in a judicial process. However, tools such as the gender perspective are still necessary, which seek to integrate the principle of equality in the interpretation and application of norms and eliminate the difference in social, political and economic opportunities of individuals. The gender perspective must be used to eradicate prejudices when assessing testimonial evidence or statement.Introducción. La importancia probatoria del testimonio ha sufrido una evolución desde el cálculo matemático de pruebas hasta las actuales reglas de valoración que exigen una motivación razonada. El testimonio único de la victima en delitos sexuales presenta problemáticas singulares que serán analizadas. Objetivo. Se busca el análisis de las pruebas testimoniales y sus garantías procesales, proponiendo cambios aplicando la perspectiva de género. Metodología. La metodología utilizada a se basa en un estudio del tema desde varias perspectivas como la histórica-lógica, deductiva, descriptiva, analítica, crítica y propositiva. Resultados. La doctrina jurisprudencial, ha ido incorporando determinados parámetros para analizar tanto al sujeto de la declaración, como el objeto de esta, desde la perspectiva de su credibilidad subjetiva, de su credibilidad objetiva y de la persistencia en la incriminación. Así como la exigencia de una mínima actividad probatoria y el desarrollo estándares de suficiencia probatoria, que establecen límites o imponen parámetros para determinar su validez Conclusión. Los parámetros y estándares probatorios han ayudado ha minimizar los errores en un proceso judicial. Sin embargo, aun es necesario herramientas como la perspectiva de género, que busca la integración del principio de igualdad en la interpretación y aplicación de las normas y eliminar la diferencia de oportunidades sociales, políticas y económicas de los individuos. La perspectiva de género debe utilizarse para erradicar prejuicios al momento de valorar una prueba testimonial o declaración